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As the fall season comes our way, it is important to make sure you’re taking the necessary steps to protect your teeth and gums. This includes effective cavity prevention. If you fail at the task of preventing cavities, consider a tooth restoration treatment such as a dental filling to restore your tooth.

With all the sweets and treats that will soon be tempting us around every turn, it is important to do what you can to keep your smile healthy. When deciding on a dental filling to repair a cavity, tooth-colored composites, also known as white composites, are an excellent choice.

If you are looking for a mercury-free filling, and one that can easily mimic the look of your smile, tooth-colored composite fillings are a great choice. Composite fillings can easily fill in cavities that are too small for other services such as dental amalgams. Furthermore, if a composite filling is damaged or falls into disrepair, it can easily be replaced without removing the original filling.

Don’t delay in visiting our team at Robert P. Sherman to check if you are suffering from a cavity. If you are looking for a dentist in Leawood, Kansas, please call us at 913-685-2171t to schedule an appointment with Dr. Robert P. Sherman and our team at our dentist office. With the help of our team, the pathway to a better smile can be yours.