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What would you do if you brushed and flossed your teeth and then noticed that your gums are swollen and red? What does this issue mean for the health of your gums? Do you know what can you do to help red or swollen gums? Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to keep your teeth healthy and strong.

Swollen and red gums are actually a sign of gingivitis, which is the first stage of gum disease. If left untreated, gingivitis can become much worse. Typically, people have gum disease because of poor dental hygiene, but there are others who brush and floss well and still get gum disease. This can be due to genetics, certain medical conditions, or medications.

You may also have gingivitis because of plaque buildup which can harden into tartar. Fortunately, you can usually remove plaque with your toothbrush, but you won’t be able to remove tartar with your brush. Unfortunately, only a dental professional should remove tartar from your teeth and gums. If bacteria from tartar gets below your gum line, your gums may start to separate from your teeth. This can ultimately lead to tooth loss.

If your gum disease gets bad enough, you may need surgery to save your gums and teeth. In other words, if you notice swollen gums, or gums that are red and bleeding, we recommend visiting dentist, Dr. Robert P. Sherman, as soon as possible. If you would like more information on swollen and bleeding gums in Leawood, Kansas, please feel free to contact Robert P. Sherman at 913-685-2171. We look forward to hearing from you.