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Did you know that your diet has a direct effect on the health of your teeth? In fact, your diet’s reach goes beyond just affecting how healthy your teeth are. It also impacts how healthy the rest of your mouth is, and that impacts your body in just as large a way, or arguably even bigger, than your diet.

So to help you understand that concept, our team at Robert P. Sherman in Leawood, Kansas, put this post together.

How does it help?
Your mouth is the gateway to the rest of your body. If your mouth isn’t healthy, then the bacteria in your mouth can easily travel other directions and find their way into different areas of your body, spreading infection. This is just one reason why it’s important to have great oral health.

Where does my diet come in?
Your diet plays into this equation rather simply. When you eat a healthy, balanced diet, and couple that with a good oral health routine, you automatically improve your oral health. So a great diet isn’t just good for your waistline – it’s good for your mouth and teeth, too.

While it may not be immediately obvious, your diet and oral health go hand-in-hand when you’re working to create a healthy body. Without one, you can’t have the other.

If you still need more clarity on this subject, don’t hesitate to call us today at 913-685-2171.