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What can you do if you have a damaged tooth? Naturally you should visit your dentist, but do you ever wonder what our dentist may do for a cracked or chipped tooth? As you might expect, the answer to that question will depend on your unique needs—but you shouldn’t be surprised if a crown is involved.

As you may know, dental crowns—which are sometimes referred to as caps—are a restoration used to cover a cracked, broken, or weakened tooth. Crowns can also be used to finish other dental restorations such as implants or a bridge, or to cover a tooth that’s had root canal therapy.

Crowns are also designed to match the appearance of your smile. In fact, your crown will be specifically shaped to match the size, shape, and color of your smile. In other words, crowns are designed to blend with your natural teeth.

Fortunately, crowns are designed to be both attractive and functional. You see, if you have a broken or cracked tooth, you may struggle to chew and eat comfortably. Similarly, you could cause more damage to your tooth, which can leave your smile more vulnerable to infection.

If you’d like to learn more about dental crowns, or wonder if you need one, please don’t hesitate to contact Robert P. Sherman at 913-685-2171! Dr. Robert P. Sherman and our team will be glad to answer any questions you have!